Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 2 in Yosemite

It's 8:30 Monday evening. My iPhone adapter broke. As luck would have it, the Yosemite store carries replacement units. We just took the bus a couple of miles to pick one up.

Eric wasn't so lucky. He just discovered his motorcycle keys missing. While I am sitting here charging my phone and his, he is back at the tent scouring every inch. If he doesn't find them, we are in deep sneakers. Either way we plan to take our strenuous all day hike tomorrow to Half Dome. It is supposed to be brutal on the knees but absolutely spectacular.

Other than the couple of mishaps, A relaxing day in paradise. Went for a easy, flat casual three mile hike from the trail head of Lower Yosemite, along the river to the banks below El Capitain. It is unbelievable to me that people rope climb that thing. A completely flat surface, straight up thousands of feet. I have lots of things on my bucket list but that ain't one of them.

Haven't been sleeping much so we came back for a brief nap before heading off for a motorcycle ride to explore the park some more. It was 97 degrees today. With gear on it was brutal. We stopped on the roadside to take a dip in the river. It was incredibly cold and refreshing. Most of the water falls and river beds are completely dry but we were able to find a small pool.

Came back for a pretty good dinner buffet; spaghetti, potatoes, salad, lemonade and carrot cake. Not like Margot's or Laura's home cooking but not bad for backwater grub.

I don't think Eric is going to have time to post tonight and we have an early bus in the a.m. to Glazier Point to begin our hike. I'll post without him tonight and be sure to give him more blog real estate tomorrow night.

Keeping my fingers crossed about the keys. Say a little prayer for us tonight.

Over and out.

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