The last day
Leaving San Francisco with nothing but great feelings about our trip and time with George. Granted the bikes were not the best and we looked like old shuffling men on the hiking trail and George snored and engaged in other forms of questionable behavior regarding restaurant selection and which route to take, but this was still fantastic. It is always good to leave home and spend a week or so with George and it is always good to return.
We had a great meal at the balboa cafe in sf last night. George was quite upset at the couple sitting next to us because they were on a date, sitting too close and, most significantly, were far apart in age. I am not sure why this inspired George's ire but his comments grew louder after the third beer. Outside, I noted that the couple was of consenting age and asked what harm they were doing. George pondered the question, took his iphone out to text, and then looked up "Nothing, I suppose." So would it have been better not to have been so critical? "I guess so," he said before returning to his machine.
I think we sometimes underestimate the importance of humor and most importantly the need to laugh at ourselves. George reminds me, without saying it, that we have no business taking ourselves too seriously. Thank you for your friendship, George, and thank you for making me laugh so hard that I came close to returning to sanity. Not complete sanity, of course, or I would not be so excited about next year's trip.
- Eric
We're on-board flight back to Boston. Storms back east delayed our departure by an hour. No worries. Relaxed and content. Bring on the stress. It won't phase me.
The ride back yesterday was easy until the end. We took the back roads through Clayton and Concord and Walnut Creek. Vast expanse of hills, fields and farms. Exquisite!
Unfortunately, we had to take the freeway for the last 10 miles. 10 lanes, 65 mph speed limit with insane drivers. One creep took umbrage to my going 60 mph in the 2nd lane. He zoomed up behind be, leaned on his horn for awhile, then pulled along side, waved his arms, gave me the finger and took off. Ah, city life. In my zen state I simply smiled, mouthed to him to have a nice day and resumed my singing.
We returned the bikes two hours early, fearing that we would face penalty charges for the bike damage. Happily, the owner. a wonderful German named Wolfgang, wave it off as minor scuff marks and charged us nothing. "Glorious," as Laura would say. Loved the toilet

paper holder in Wolfgang's bathroom. See photo.
Stayed at the downtown Westin last night. We don't deserve such luxury but I'll take it. Had a late dinner at the Balboa cafe. I had a burger, Eric the chicken; good atmosphere (though a bit loud for my taste) and good food. The couple next to us drew our attention; he about 60, she about 20. Didn't feel right. Something was off. Eric scolded me for being judgmental. Though i have lingering doubts, he was probably right. Just don't tell him I said so.
I enjoyed watching the window washer at the airport. I love a guy who takes pride in his work. This man was a true artist. See video below.
This version of Wild Hogs might have been better than the Utah original. Great riding, hiking and appreciation of the American expanse. More than that though, the companionship of a good friend. Lots of talk, debate, teasing and above all, belly-aching laughs. Thanks Eric. I can't wait to do it again.
Now glad to get back to the family and to work.
Annie, thanks for the tip on new riding boots ( ). I'll have to get a pair.
If any of you have good ideas for next year's destination, let us know.
Thanks for following.
Until next year, signing off.
- Posted from George's AT&T
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