Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A lovely hike into the mountains

I only have time for a short post. We want to get any early start so that we can get to Elkhorn Springs (250 miles away) before the afternoon thunderstorms roll in.
I'm currently sitting on a lounge chair in front of the Redfish Lodge. It is about 40 degrees and slightly drizzling. At daybreak I will head back to the cabin. The sun is my agreed upon queue to wake up Eric. Since we will be heading northeast, I don't think I will mention to him the lightning that is currently lighting up the sky over the mountains to the west. It's an incredible sight. I can't help but worry about our Swiss camper friends that are up there right now. Be safe guys.
Yesterday Eric and I went for a seven mile hike into those western mountains in search of Saddleback Lake. It's supposed to be a spectacular spot nestled in the Sawtooth's overlooking Redfish Lake. Unfortunately the cutoff was unmarked so we went right past it. By the time we realized our mistake, it was time for our descent. We needed to get back down to the base by 3 p.m. to catch the small boat back to the Lodge.
It was a fairly easy hike, ascending no more than a thousand feet or so. We were a bit worried about encountering a bear, especially when we took out our ham and cheese sandwiches. Other than some noises off in the woods, there was no evidence of the furry fellas.
It is a good thing I had my EpiPen with me. We did encounter a smattering of bees along the way. One even landed on my iPhone when I snapped a picture from the trail (see photo). Freaky.

We got back in time for a quick ride on the bikes into Stanley (the locals call it the coldest place in the U.S. each winter. Our waitress told us last night that she remembers one night last January when it reached 38 degrees below. I can't imagine what that feels like.). It was a quick ride because there was virtually nothing to it; a post office, four taverns, a library, a small real estate development and a smattering of other buildings. That's it.
We came back for a swim. The mountain water was chilly but refreshing. Just what we needed to get perked up for dinner. To eat, I again had the short ribs (yum) and Eric the halibut. Unfortunately, it was the last piece of halibut disappointing the four vacationing women from Boise sitting at the next table. We had met them on Sunday. Eric struck up a conversation about politics while I buried my head into my iPad writing that day's blog post. We were going to have a drink with them last night but Eric was wiped and worried about waking up early to pack the bikes. I almost stayed but decided against it. We politely begged off after dinner and headed back to the cabin. Our lights were off by 9.
We did share our blog URL with the women. In the event that they decided to check it out; greetings ladies. Keep fighting the liberal fight here in this bastion of social conservatism. The people of your fine state need your help, whether they know it or not.
Over and out.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Sawtooth Mountains

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